Проверки МЧС организаций, входящих в ВПК РФ по вопросам соблюдения требований гражданской обороны (ГО).
Основные требования законодательства в области антитеррористической защищенности объектов разного типа, расположенны ...
Скачать постановление Правительства 2464 "О порядке обучения по охране труда и проверки знания требований охраны труда"
Особенности планирования, проведения и порядок проведения тренировок по эвакуации персонала и посетителей мест с мас ...
We are always glad to help you!
The company provides services for organizations in field of labor law, safety and labor protection, rightes of employees, employers duties.
The state hard enough reglamentary all that relates to labor protection and safety employees, fire safety, ecology, civil defense and emergencies. Therefore, the company needs to be a clear system governing these areas and includes a specially designed documentation, activities and staff training.
If companys (employers in Russia) is not have the professionals responsible for labor protection, industrial and environmental safety, civil defense and emergencies, the best way to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and reduce costs in these areas becomes outsourcing is the delegation of certain functions to special professional company.
"The center of labor protection and legal awareness" offers assistance in solving any problems concerning health and safety, electrical and fire safety, environmental activities, organization of system of civil defense and emergencies.
Our experts will find the best way out of a difficult situation, and the teachers of the centre efficiently prepare your staff for courses on ecology, FROM, first aid and others.