Центр охраны труда и правового информирования
Центр охраны труда и правового информирования
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27 ноября 2024

Документация по гражданской обороне для организаций ВПК

Проверки МЧС организаций, входящих в ВПК РФ по вопросам соблюдения требований гражданской обороны (ГО).

16 июля 2024

Уголовная ответственность за нарушения требований антитеррористического законодательства

Основные требования законодательства в области антитеррористической защищенности объектов разного типа, расположенны ...


Астахов В.Г.
Отзыв: Специалисты ООО ЦОТИПИ, провели комплекс работ по соблюдению законодательства в области пожарной безопасности, а так ...
Ответ: Большое спасибо за Ваш отзыв о работе наших специалистов, проведенная и планируемая работа по Вашему проекту, дает о ...


24 ноября 2024

Обучение по охране труда Постановление 2464

Скачать постановление Правительства 2464 "О порядке обучения по охране труда и проверки знания требований охраны труда"


18 декабря 2024

Оценка профессиональных рисков на рабочих местах

Проведение оценки профессиональных рисков на рабочих местах в организациях на территории РФ

Fundamentals of labor protection in the European Union

Fundamentals of labor protection in the European Union

Fundamentals of the legal framework of the EU countries on ensuring the safety and health of employees (labor protection) by employers.

  • Fundamentals of the legal framework of the EU countries on ensuring the safety and health of employees (labor protection) by employers
  • Main EU Directives on occupational safety and health

On the territory of the European Union, there is a framework Directive on ensuring the safety and health of employees by employers (occupational safety of employees of organizations):

  • Framework Directive 89/391 / EEC "On the introduction of measures to improve the safety and health of employees during work"

And also adopted on its basis

  • Directive 89/654 / EEC establishing minimum requirements for workplace safety and hygiene. which is the main regulatory document regulating the region.

Employers (organizations and companies of any form of ownership) are required to comply with the requirements of the Directives, in particular, mandatory measures and requirements for labor protection include:

Occupational safety requirements for the workplace in force in the European Union

  • Directive 89/654 / EEC on workplace requirements

  • Directive 92/57/EEC on temporary or mobile construction sites

  • Directive 92/91/UES on labor protection at enterprises where mineral raw materials are extracted through wells

  • Directive 92/104 / EEC on occupational safety in underground and open-pit mining enterprises

  • Directive 93/103 / EC on occupational safety on Board fishing vessels

  • Directive 1999/92 / EC on the protection of workers who are exposed to potential hazards in explosive environments

  • Directive 2009/104/EC of concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work

Occupational health and safety requirements applicable in the European Union during the use of equipment

  • Directive 89/655 / EEC on the use of protective equipment by employees
  • Directive 89/656 / EEC on the use of personal protective equipment in the workplace
  • Directive 90/269 / EEC on manual movement of goods when there is a risk of injury to the worker's back
  • Directives 90/270/EEC on working with screens
  • Directive 92/58/UES on minimum requirements for signs at the enterprise concerning threats to the safety and health of employees

Occupational safety requirements for working with chemical, physical and biological substances that apply in the European Union

  • Directive 2004/37/EU on the protection of workers from the risks associated with the use of carcinogens and mutagens in the enterprise
  • Directive 2000/54/EU on minimum requirements for the safety and health of workers against the risks associated with the use of biological agents in the workplace
  • Directive 98/24 / EC on the protection of workers ' health and safety from the harmful effects of chemicals in the workplace
  • Directive 2002/44 / EC on the protection of workers from risks associated with physical agents (vibration)
  • Directive 2003/10/EU on the protection of workers from hazards caused by physical agents (noise)
  • Directive 2004/40 / EC on minimum requirements for the safety and health of workers against risks associated with physical agents (in the electromagnetic field)
  • Directive 2006/25 / EC on minimum requirements for the protection of workers ' health and safety from risks associated with physical agents (artificial optical radiation)

Protection of certain groups of employees in the workplace, operating on the territory of the European Union

  • Directive 92/85/EEC on promoting the safety and protection of the health of pregnant women and recently delivered, nursing mothers in the workplace
  • Directive 94/33 / EC on the protection of young people at work
  • Directive 91/383/EEC in respect of employees who are in temporary employment relations

Working time requirements applicable in the European Union

  • Directive 2003/88 / EC on certain aspects of working time management

Requirements for the employment of minors in the European Union

  • Directive 94/33/EC "On the protection of young workers in the workplace" reglamentary characteristics of minors in the exercise of their labour rights in the European Union".

Requirements for safeguards for women workers operating in the territory of the European Union

  • Directive 92 / 85/EEC on promoting the safety and health of pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and nursing mothers»